Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Clean up's and the beginning of Project Origin X

Considering this will be my second entry of the night I dont think ill be adding my usual rant at the start of this one... well i guess i could be more of a plug then anything.

Now I have mentioned this Man before and you will hear of him quite often due to the massive help he gives me with the cars, but not only that he also is one of my best mates so we help each other out when we can and not only just with cars.

This man has a crap load of cars!!! Mainly Japanese Imports but lets have a little list..

1. Champagne S13
2. Green S13
3. Yellow Levin coupe
4. Blue SR A31 (His Wife Kates)
5. Gun Metal Grey 180sx

There are a few more but they are pooo domestic market crap, as for the cars above stay tuned I'm wanting to feature them on this blog once I have a chance.

Anyway he recently needed a more usable space in the shed and also so he could fit two cars in there.. what better way to spend a weekend yeah? bloody oath it was.

We ended up filling his dads work ute with useless car parts.. basically everything conceivable from RB aircon pumps, condensers, old exhaust pieces and even a RX7 FC FMIC with smashed tanks.

what we didnt throw out is pretty much for sale so if you are looking for silvia parts (mainly s13) then checkout my sale post on Nissan Silvia

With still the front of the shed and most of the right hand side to go im sure more will be added to either the dump or the sale.

In the end we fit both the S13's in there as these pics testify to

Ok well whats this Project Origin X you keep making mention to? I hear. well the begging of the year I got the urge to get more into time attack then drifting and for that I really need a decent car both in the terms of build, setup, power and quality.. well i didnt really have to look all that far for it as my good mate Nathan had a perfect base for me just sitting in storage.

A dead straight Type X 180 the thing is immaculate!! not a piece of rust or bend in the chassis, In my mind a perfect blank slate to start a project with.

Currently it is filthy and sitting in storage, but as soon as we have the space we will be starting work on it.

Pretty much first up will be stripping of the sound deadening, the car is going to be a track car so i will not have any carpet so i don't see the point in keeping the sound deadening.

As we go along in the preparation and build of the car I will be keeping this blog up to date with progress!

I could not be happier with the car and i couldn't be happier with the mechanic that will be helping me build it now i might be a little biased in this but considering the man was the mechanic for Team Peer during the DA days and they had a lot of podium wins i have to say he is one of the best import mechanics in the country


Keep tuned Peeps!!!

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