Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pain In The Tooth & A In Car Camera

Hello all,

Once again its been a few weeks between posts and i apologize and shall make it up to you all with two posts tonight!!!

I must admit the past few weeks have been kinda shit house, work being dead since easter hasnt made it any easier but that said i do have a new addition to my electronics collection which ill be making mention of in this post further down.

Over past few days I have been in absolute agony from one of my wisdom teeth that has slowly been deteriorating and had finally given up on Sunday night when i was enjoying a rather nice juicy steak. I bit into a piece of gristle and cracked it so needless to say I got no sleep on Sunday night.

I was quite reluctant to go to the dentist due to a prior visit for another wisdom tooth which resulted in four and a half hours sitting in the chair being poked, prodded, sawed and pulled at for one bloody tooth not to mention the week and a bit recovery.. well that wasnt sooo bad being doped up on codeine and being cared for by my awesome mother...

Anyway after be persuaded by my Mother and Sister i had a doctors appointment yesterday and to my own surprise i was in the chair for five minutes!!! bit of a wiggle here and a bit of a wiggle there followed by a good tug and the enormous prick of a thing came out.

so as i write this a day later I'm still a little on the drugged side but i actually had a decent sleep last night which is bloody good i tell ya.

before anyone asks no i didn't take a photo of it :P

Anyway onto what i was talking about before!!!

Anyone that's ever watched a video of drifting on Youtube or Vimeo knows that people strap, screw, tape and god knows what normal digital camera's onto there cars so they can film it, now I've been looking around for a decent car camara that is light and has a decent mount. I had been looking at one of the GO PRO camara kits but i cant at the moment justify spending $299 on one.

The last track day i went to i ended up jamming my normal camera in between the head rest and chair of the passenger seat, unfortunately that resulted in more of the dash board being seen then anything else, so i gave up and relegated myself to waiting till I could get a go pro.

That said a few weeks ago a member on NS posted up about a eBay camera that he had found that was said to be ok, he provided a youtube review for the camera and I thought why the hell not!! so i brought one and it finally turned up today from hong kong.

Wrapped up in Brown paper and tied string it reminded me of the way parcels used to be wrapped and sent!! was so cool... well i thought so.

So i unwrapped the thing to reveal

Now the camera is a no named brand but i didnt really care to be honest, i just wanted something that i could get an ok recording from when i was at the track.

I pulled out all the boxes content.

And the camera itself

I couldn't leave it there I had to test it so below is a test video its pretty low light but i wont be recording at night.

For those that are interested in it here is the eBay link:

Well thats it for his post!!

I should have the next one up sometime later tonight.

As always stay safe!


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