Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Buggered and the damaged

Hey all,

yeah yeah.. long time between posts again huh.. well the past week and half I've been sick with the flu and haven't been doing much really. apart from crashing cars..... yeah pretty awesome huh!!!

I did have a bit to put into this post but now i cant really remember what i was going to go on about, I really should have taken some photos over the weekend of the work that we did over at NKDriftworx but being sick I never really thought about it.

I think it was the last post I did I made reference to all of Nathans cars, well we have started work on the grey 180 to get it done and gone as soon as possible, I might have photos of it this weekend but we Pulled out the CA18DET that was a bit sad (think its cracked a few water hoses) but hey Its a CA and we had a spare SR20DET hanging around so thats going in because its well.... better LOL

That was out and on the floor ready to separate the box and clutch from it, and the engine bay empty to get it ready for the SR.

Sunday saw the Air-con system pulled out of the car by Kristen, Nathan fixed the boltholes for the drive-shafts center bearing and I replaced the poxy standard tail lights and garnish for some Type X goodness.
we did have a few more things we wanted to get done on the car like the wiring but due to some unforeseen tool drama's we couldn't finish.

Another thing happened on Sunday. Jack, Nathan and Kates Beautiful little baby boy turned 3 weeks old!!! - Happy 3 Weeks little man :D

On to more depressing things.

Well you may remember this.

If you don't well some MONG reversed into poor Silvie whilst she was parked outside of MSY..

To Add Injury to Insult...

 A few weeks ago now I was out working and was involved in an accident caused by another motorist encroaching into my lane and caused this.

Basic run down of what happened was i was traveling in down a three lane road in the middle lane approaching a set of traffic lights, a silver forester was in the right hand lane going slow now I remember this as myself and her were the only people within 50 meters of each other.... anyway as we approached the set of lights i was about a car length and a half behind her and she decided she wanted to merge into my lane for some unbeknown reason, at the same time the set of lights went amber and she hit the brakes quite hard. Well she ended up on a 45 degree angle in my lane and stopped as such with me behind her and all i could do was hit the skids and try and avoid her which honestly was not going to happen no matter how hard i tried with the space that I had, i ended up being able to turn left a little bit and sort of bounced off of her rear left quarter panel and as you see in the photo of Silvie above it destroyed my front right guard, corner light, damaged my front bar even more, pushed the quarter panel into the door and side skirt causing paint damage and also damaged the bonnet, grill and head light.

My damage is being covered by her insurance company thankfully as both My insurance (Shannon's) and hers (NRMA)  deemed the accident to be her fault.

Thank you to Nathan and Andrew for coming to my rescue.

This is the only damage i caused to her car :(

Guard pulled out by Nathans Hulk powers so Silvie was drivable.

Well Silvie has been back at Camerons bodyworks since Friday before last (24/06/2011) and is still there as of tonight, I'm hopping to hear from them tomorrow as promised to go and pick her up..

To be honest Ive been out of sorts since I dropped her off, its completely different from when i dropped her off their to be painted. That was to improve her but there is just something about this time that makes me feel lost I guess, and if it feels like this then it would be ten fold if I ever sold her so I'm going to take this space to put down in writing what i vowed to do when I first brought Silvie.

I shall not sell her, the only way that we shall part ways is if i write her off.

Thanks again to Nathan as his lent me the falcon whilst Silvie is in the shop its been a big help without it i would have been sitting at home and loosing work..

Anyway guys

As always Be Safe

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