Sunday, May 1, 2011

Old times...New times... different Diff

Ok ok i know it has been awhile between postings again.. I've been slack..

Things have gotten pretty freaking hectic..shit...awesome.. all at the same bloody time and processing it all well lets just say i just nod and agree with myself some of... well ok to be honest nearly all the time..

where do i start.. Well one of my good mates tied the knot with his lovely partner not very long ago at a truly moving and beautiful ceremony out at Sirromet wines, so recently in fact they are still on their honey moon in thailand and im getting pretty bloody jealous over all the awesome photos they keep putting up on facebook!! 



well apart from that there was a long long long Easter holiday/weekend that i spent five awesome days staying at my sisters Rochelle and THE Bro - in law Seans house, it was just awesome.. awesome food.. awesome company well family which a lot of you know means the world to me. 

Yatala Drive in theater - Awesome!!! Five Nieces, One Nephew, a Sister, brothers and mum and dad.
We saw Rio, which common its a pretty cool movie about two Blue Macaw's!!! yes i ended up dreaming I owned..... a few we shall leave it at that, Fast five was after and it was my second viewing but sitting in the Silvia with the sub pumping made it even better then the first...

now onto the Shit... angry... RAGE!!! part..

Silvie was reversed into......

Front bar Cracked, Paint cracked and the grill is stuffed :( 

No one left any details and I never saw this happen, well if i had done i wouldnt be sitting here typing this i would be in some lockup with my bum presses agaist the wall.

Will now just have to wait till im able to take it back to Camrons to be fixed.

Ok well thats whats new and what has happened with me... apart from one other thing that has happened but we shall leave that in the box.

Well the whole point to this post was because i have had some new old pictures sent to me by THE Bro-in Law Sean.. remember in my last post the old photos i shared of the now dead bluebirds well.. these pictures are from a happier time, back when Scotty had just started BODGE Garage, back when the weekend was free and you had nothing to do and just so happened to have a R200 VLSD that was screaming to be put in so you could spank it hard!! or simply just.. to put the car up on stands to have a look and see what you could tinker with..

well lets just start with the pictures that were took just stuffing around and doing general services..

Beeee warned there maybe photos below of white men looking awfully dark - viewer discretion is advised and i take no responsibility

Please Dont ask.... just don't
What ever it was.... it scared Sean
Maybe it was this 0_o    maaayyybeee

Anyway, I had a skidpan day coming up and the old single wheeling r180 just wasnt cutting the dice so i picked up a pretty decent R200 R32 VLSD of my Friend Scotty.. (the one that got married) so sure enough we put it in... myself and Sean.

we use to just look at what we had and figured it out.. well it was a diff swap it wasn't really rocket science but we had fun doing it and i miss those crazy old days, Hell we couldnt find a proper gasket for the diff hat so we made one from cardboard and too this day that diff is still in the back of Silvie and it hasnt leaked one drop of oil.

Old R180 Single spinner out
R200 on the jack, R180 is smaller aye
  Man handling the r200 in

Well thats pretty much it, I would like to thank Sean for sending me the pictures, and i would just like to say that Sean!! thank you for all the help you have ever given me and also in advance for any future help as it means the world to me Bro!! and hey when we bring the 180 home im sure there shall be more antics to have hey!!

before i end this i would just like to say - Family and friends are important, they are apart of our everyday lives and are always there to see us at our worst and at are best but regardless of how they see us they still love and respect us for who we are. Dont take them for granted, let them know how you feel and thank them for no particular reason.

Thank you everyone!!! 

ohhhh and as always be safe!!!


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