I Organize a few breakfast seasons where you get to have an awesome breakfast and then get some time out on the track, Day started off pretty good I must admit as I was out at the track and had everyone organized before the breakfast call.
After everyone had breakfast we gave them the run down on the rules and the doo's and donts considering its not a race event cant have people spearing off the track into the sandboxes.
So out we all go some people just drive right in and straight away but i usually do a warm up lap or two, The car felt great very gripy and stable accelerated fine and the brakes where good! So coming around turn six onto the main straight of Queensland Raceway absolutely nail it in third. My Goal of the day was to pull fifth gear down the straight as I've never been able to get out of forth out at QR.
Sure enough third was all over with and then as i got to the tower forth was a little puffed so I pulled fifth and kept it pegged to the fire wall then before I had time to cherish the moment... BANG!!!!! I knew what the source was right away or so I thought, I thought that I had popped a cooler pipe but noooo that would have been to simple to fix as Silvie is a drama queen had to blow out the rubber stopper.
So I limped it back into the pits and the day was over or so I thought, I have said this before and ill say it again I am really really lucky that I have such good friends I really am as Kristen came in and Kate gave up her seat so I could at least get around the track. So Big thanks to both Kristen and Kate :)
The main thing is that all the people that came out had a good morning so that is all the satisfaction that I need to be honest as to not be happy with how it turned out would just be selfish.
Here is a Photo that I'm sure will make Sean happy
Link to the rest of the photos here ---> QR Breakfast Photos
After the the event was over I asked my friend Rob if he could do a little photo shoot while we were out at QR so we trunded off in search of a good spot and decided upon one of the big sheds.
I personally think they are Absolutely Awesome pictures of both mine, Nathan's and Kristen's Silvias
Nathan's Cabin
Silvies Cabin
Kristens Cabin
Nathans Engine Bay.
Silvies Engine Bay
Kristens Engine Bay
Silvie with Kristens and Nathans S13 Silvia's
East Coast Customs Love
Anyway thats it for today.
And as always my friends stay safe